Film & T.V. Health & Safety Training
1/2 Day Safety Awareness for Make-Up and Costume
This course has been designed to give a broad overview and understanding of the key health and safety issues and responsibilities involving costume and makeup during the making, shooting and recording of productions, whether on locations, in studios, theater’s, or on film stages.
The course is intended for persons with a responsibility for the design, usage and storage of costumes and makeup for productions.
This course includes the following elements:
- Criminal and Civil Law – brief outline to introduce concepts of risk assessment, duty of care and negligence.
- Duties and responsibilities under HASAWA and MHSWR.
- Risk assessments – general, generic, method statements and those made under specific regulations, including their purpose, legal implications and importance.
- Overview and relevance of the follow regulations, COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health), Electricity at Work, Manual handling Regulations, Personal Protective Equipment Regulations
- Routes of entry for substances into the body.
- Synergistic effect of using a combination of substances.
- An understanding of the more common health risks from substances.
- An understanding of the control strategies [precautions] available.
- Material Data sheets and manufacturers information
- Manual Handling issues
- Records and record keeping, inspection and certification.
- Safe working with contractors and sub-contractors and the adequate exchange of information.
- Accident, Incident and hazard reporting and RIDDOR
- Emergency arrangements including First Aid requirements.
Each delegate will receive course materials detailing the key points covered in the course, and a certificate of completion. The certificates will be posted within 14 days of the date of the course.
Maximum Number of Delegates: 16